The hematology unit Hospital Teluk Intan provides;
Diagnostic services in the field of hematology for Hospital Teluk Intan and acts as a reference laboratory for other hospital and healthcare.
Consultant services in the field of Hematology.
Practical training in the field of hematology for MLT trainees,staff of MLT,undergraduate from local universities .
Ketua Unit & Hematopathologist
Dr Norhayati binti Fauzi
Pegawai Perubatan
Dr Izian Munirah Ahmad Khusairi
Pegawai Perubatan
Dr Sholihah binti Muhammad Khir
Pegawai Perubatan
Dr Norlisa binti Khalid
For any enquires of the services, more information or test provides by Haematology Laboratory Hospital teluk Intan, you can ring to the extension number:
Integrated Lab (Haematology Lab) Ext. 8460/8461
Our hematopathologist Dr Norhayati binti : Ext 8942